Delete Account

Users of Shiba Eternity may request for account deletion within the mobile app.

All account data will be instantly deleted, including purchased items. Please think carefully before initiating this action.

To delete your Shiba Eternity account, you will need to follow the steps below:

1. In the main screen, tap the Settings icon.

2. Tap Delete Account on the menu.

3. Wait for 5 seconds.

4. Tap Confirm.

5. Upon tapping Confirm, Shiba Eternity will process account deletion immediately. The app will shut down upon successful account deletion. You may restart the app to create a new account.

Important Notice:

Deleting your account is a permanent action. All associated data, including game progress, achievements, virtual items, purchased items and content, and any other relevant information will be unrecoverable once your account is deleted.

Please ensure you understand the consequences before proceeding with account deletion.


By deleting your account, you acknowledge that you understand the aforementioned information and willingly proceed with the deletion process.